CMC Parent News - Summer 2022
In this issue:
Worries of a Mom with Her First Born Going Off to College (Leer en español)
What's Going on Over There? A Preview of the Robert Day Science Center
My Daughter was a CMC Romero Success Consultant. Here's Why the Program Works
Student Privacy for Healthcare and Grades: A Parent Guide (Leer en español) 
A Message from the Parent Network Board President

Worries of a Mom with Her First Born Going Off to College

Parent Newsletter  

By Julie Punishill P'24

My student, as well as countless other high school seniors, had her whole life rocked in March of 2020 when the pandemic lockdown started. Luckily, she had been accepted early decision to CMC, so she knew where she was headed and could hold on to that excitement. Then it turned out her first year of college would be virtual only. Oh boy, my emotions were all over the place.

As her sophomore year approached, her first year on campus, a whole new set of worries took hold. I had questions!

Below I’ll share not only my top concerns, but some topics that have come up as I attended New Student Parties in hopes that they will help calm the nerves of our incoming parents.

Spoiler Alert! CMC really takes care of our students, all the worrying really is for naught.

  1. My child will go hungry. With my student being a student athlete, I knew she needed the 16 meal plan, but realized that did not equate to three square meals a day. When my kid is in season, she can eat! How could that be enough? The answer came quickly that not only was the plan adequate, but the food options at Collins were quite robust. The students all seem to particularly enjoy brunch and nightly “snacks.” Boy were they excited in the spring though when 5C dining opened up in a limited capacity. Sounds like 5C dining will be an option again this year.
  2. My child doesn’t have a car and will be confined to campus. Without a car and Claremont being so many miles away from the LA area attractions, I worried my kid would feel trapped. Uh…nope! First of all, fairly often they would decide to walk into the village for dinner. Quite a few friends and teammates had cars and they would organize rides for special occasion gatherings like birthdays. Zip Cars, which can be rented to those students 18 and over, were a great option for her. She utilized this one often for trips to Disneyland, the beach, etc. Also, there’s always Uber and Lyft. Off-campus excursions were plentiful. My daughter and her friends even enjoyed options sponsored by CMC, getting out and enjoying so much of what Southern California has to offer at little or no cost to the students. All I have to do is look at my daughter’s Instagram feed to know she had a fun on and off campus.
  3. The long distance will be difficult. Luckily, both my daughters went to camp for a few weeks each summer, so I knew we could all handle the distance for a bit. But this would be a long time apart, the longest ever. I had given her a Facebook portal as a gift her senior year in high school and now we would be able to finally use it (although FaceTime and Skype work just as well). Between that and texting, I felt like I had a pretty good feel for all that was going on. But I think the thing that puts me most at ease is our wonderful Dean of Students Office is. Vice President for Student Affairs Sharon Basso, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students Dianna (“DT”) Graves ’98, and all the staff from First Year Guides (FYGs) to Resident Advisors (RAs) and more, our students have loving, guidance and support right there, each and every day. Our kids are in good hands.

    Two common worries from the New Student gatherings (asked both years).
  4. My child won’t know how to pick classes. While most universities have students select their first semester classes during the summer, CMC waits until students are on campus to begin that process. This deliberate approach leaves us parents out of the picture, relegated to watch from the sidelines as our children make some important decisions without us. It is the first of many opportunities granted to CMC families to gently but properly cut the cord. With the help of their advisors and First Year Guides (FYGs), they seem to choose the right classes, and also get a good sense as to professors and schedules.
  5. What if my child doesn’t get along with their roommate? The reason CMC takes a bit more time to release roommate and dorm assignments is the time and energy the staff places into making the pairings/groupings. As long as your student was very honest in their profile, you shouldn’t be worried. They truly try to make sure they’ve matched up early birds and night owls, messy ones and neatniks, etc. Also, during the WOA trips, students start making great friendships from day one. CMC is truly a special place in how warm, friendly, and inclusive it is. Your student will find their niche.

Finally, this brings us to my area of biggest concern: MOVE-IN DAY!

Move-in day can be hectic, emotional event. CMC has established a helpful orientation schedule for families that will provide reams of useful information. The schedule of events for incoming families can be found on the Parent and Family Orientation website here.

Here are some tips from my experience of move-in day:

  • If you are traveling from a distance, just bring the essentials on the plane. Try to get in a day earlier and make the trips to Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, etc. to pick up the rest of what you need. You may also choose to order ahead and arrange for pick up at the local stores in Claremont. In many cases, we waited to see the room and ordered several items and had them delivered. We did this with the fan, area rug, decor, etc. Starting August 15, you can also deliver items to the CMC mailroom that will be waiting for you when you arrive.
  • As far as the physical move in, CMC makes it super easy. I was so pleasantly surprised and had a big smile on my face to be met by friendly student faces with big huge carts. They unloaded everything from the car and took it all up to the room for us. None of those endless trips up and down the stairs carting all her belongings that I anticipated. Just make sure to label everything with the student’s name, dorm and room number.
  • Move in day is exciting and may be stressful for all involved for different reasons. Don’t expect everything to go perfectly (What do you mean the sheets don’t fit?!) and take a break often to breathe and keep it all in perspective.
  • Allow your student to set the pace. Remember, this is their move in day, not yours.
  • If possible, have your student pre-pack a bag for their WOA trip.
  • Meet other parents! CMC is truly a community and that extends to families as well. I have made some wonderful friends and memories by engaging with other parents.
  • Try to meet Sharon or DT. They will be milling around. I adore these wonderful women and getting to meet them in person just put my mind to rest.

Congratulations on your student’s admittance to CMC! This is a remarkable community that really cares about each and every member. There are plenty of resources for support and no question is ever “silly” or frivolous, so feel free to ask away. My student has frequently said last year was the best year of her life, so far, so I know she is 100% in the right place

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Las preocupaciones de una madre con su primer hijo que va a la universidad

Parent Newsletter  

Por Julie Punishill P'24 | Traducido por Carmen Amaya P'25

Mi estudiante, al igual que otros innumerables estudiantes de último año de la escuela secundaria, vio toda su vida afectada en marzo de 2020 cuando comenzó el cierre de la pandemia. Por suerte, había sido aceptada por, decisión anticipada, a CMC, así que sabía a dónde se dirigía y podía aferrarse a esa emoción. Luego resultó que su primer año de universidad sería sólo virtual. Mis emociones estaban por todos lados.

A medida que se acercaba su segundo año, su primer año en campus, una nueva serie de preocupaciones se apoderó de ella. ¡Tenía preguntas!

A continuación, voy a compartir no sólo mis mayores preocupaciones, sino también algunos temas que surgieron cuando hablé con algunos padres en las dos últimas reuniones de estudiantes nuevos a las que asistí, con la esperanza de que ayudaran a calmar los nervios de los padres de nuestra clase entrante.

Nota: CMC realmente se ocupa de nuestros estudiantes, toda la preocupación es en vano.

  1. Mi adolescente pasará hambre. Como mi hija es una estudiante deportista, sabía que necesitaba el plan de 16 comidas a la semana, pero me di cuenta de que eso no significaba tres comidas al día. Cuando mi hija está en temporada de entrenamiento, ¡sí que puede comer! ¿Cómo podría ser eso suficiente? La respuesta llegó rápidamente: no sólo el plan era adecuado, sino que las opciones de alimentos en Collins eran bastante abundantes. Todos parecen disfrutar especialmente del “brunch” y de las " meriendas " nocturnas. Todos se entusiasmaron cuando en la primavera se abrió el comedor 5C con una capacidad limitada. Ahora programarían reuniones y visitas a otros campus para comer. Parece que el comedor 5C volverá a ser una opción este año.
  2. Mi adolescente no tiene coche y estará confinado en el campus. Sin un coche a tantos kilómetros de las atracciones de la zona de Los Ángeles, me preocupaba que mi hija se sintiera atrapada. Uh... ¡no! En primer lugar, con bastante frecuencia ellos caminaban a “The Village” para cenar. Muchos amigos y compañeros de equipo tenían coches con los que organizaban paseos y reuniones para celebrar eventos especiales, como los cumpleaños. Los Zip Cars, que se pueden alquilar a los estudiantes mayores de 18 años, eran una gran opción para ella. Los utilizaba a menudo para ir a Disneylandia, a la playa, etc. Además, siempre está Uber y Lyft. Las excursiones fuera del campus eran abundantes. Mi hija y sus amigos incluso disfrutaron de opciones patrocinadas por CMC, saliendo y disfrutando de muchos lugares de lo que el sur de California tiene que ofrecer a poco o ningún costo para los estudiantes. Todo lo que tengo que hacer es mirar el” feed” de Instagram de mi hija para saber que lo ha pasado bien dentro y fuera del campus.
  3. La larga distancia será difícil. Por suerte, mis dos hijas iban a un campamento durante unas semanas cada verano, así que sabía que podríamos afrontar la separación durante un tiempo. Pero este sería un largo tiempo de separación, el más largo de la historia. Le había regalado un portal de Facebook en su último año de la escuela secundaria y ahora por fin íbamos a poder utilizarlo (aunque FaceTime y Skype funcionan igual de bien). Entre eso y los mensajes de texto, sentí que tenía una buena idea de todo lo que estaba pasando. Pero creo que lo que más me tranquiliza es lo maravillosa que es nuestra Oficina del Decano de Estudiantes. La vicepresidenta de Asuntos Estudiantiles, Sharon Basso, la vicepresidenta adjunta y decana de estudiantes, Dianna ("DT") Graves '98, y todo el personal, desde los guías de primer año (FYG) hasta los asesores residentes (RA) y más, nuestros estudiantes tienen cariño, orientación y apoyo a su alcance, todos y cada uno de los días. Nuestros chicos están en buenas manos.
  4. Mi hijo no sabrá cómo elegir las clases. Mientras que la mayoría de las universidades hacen que los estudiantes seleccionen sus clases del primer semestre durante el verano, CMC espera hasta que los estudiantes estén en el campus para comenzar ese proceso. Este enfoque deliberado nos deja a los padres fuera de juego, relegados a observar desde la distancia cómo nuestros hijos toman algunas decisiones importantes sin nosotros. Es la primera de las muchas oportunidades que se conceden a las familias del CMC para cortar el cordón umbilical de forma suave pero adecuada. Con la ayuda de sus asesores y de los Guías de Primer Año (FYG), parecen elegir las clases correctas, y también se hacen una idea de los profesores y los horarios.
  5. ¿Qué pasa si mi hijo no se lleva bien con su compañero de cuarto? La razón por la que CMC tarda un poco más de tiempo en publicar las asignaciones de compañeros de habitación y dormitorios es el tiempo y la dedicación que el personal pone en hacer los emparejamientos/agrupamientos. Si tu estudiante fue muy honesto en su perfil, no deberías preocuparte. Realmente intentan asegurarse de emparejar a los madrugadores con los nocturnos, a los desordenados con los ordenados, etc. Además, durante los viajes WOA, los estudiantes empiezan a hacer grandes amistades desde el primer día. CMC es un lugar realmente especial por lo cálido, amigable e inclusivo que es. Tu estudiante encontrará su nicho.

Finalmente, esto nos lleva a mi área de mayor preocupación: ¡EL DÍA DE LA MUDANZA! El día de la mudanza puede ser un acontecimiento intenso y emotivo. CMC ha establecido un programa de orientación para las familias que les proporcionará una gran cantidad de información útil. El programa de eventos para las familias entrantes se puede encontrar en el sitio web de Orientación para Padres y Familias aquí.

Aquí hay algunos consejos de mi experiencia en el día de la mudanza:

  • Si viajas desde lejos, lleva lo esencial en el avión. Intenta llegar un día antes y hacer los recorridos a Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, etc. para adquirir el resto de lo que necesitas. También puedes optar por hacer el pedido con anticipación y organizar la recogida en las tiendas locales de Claremont. Muchas veces, esperábamos a ver la habitación y pedíamos varios artículos que los enviaran a CMC. Así hicimos con el ventilador, la alfombra, la decoración, etc. A partir del 15 de agosto, puedes enviar los artículos a la sala de correo de CMC y te estarán esperando cuando llegues.
  • En cuanto a la mudanza física, CMC lo hace súper fácil. Me sorprendió y se me marcó una gran sonrisa al ser recibida por las amables caras de los estudiantes con grandes y enormes carros. Descargaron todo del coche y lo subieron a nuestra habitación. Nada de esos interminables viajes arriba y abajo de las escaleras cargando todas las pertenencias que yo había previsto. Sólo me aseguré de etiquetar todo con el nombre de mi estudiante, el dormitorio y el número de habitación.
  • El día de la mudanza es emocionante y puede ser estresante para todos los involucrados por diferentes razones. No esperes que todo salga a la perfección (¡¿Cómo que las sábanas no encajan?!) y tómate un descanso a menudo para respirar y mantenerlo todo en perspectiva.
  • Deja que tu estudiante marque el ritmo. Recuerda que es su día de mudanza, no el tuyo.
  • Si es posible, haz que tu estudiante prepare una maleta para su viaje WOA.
  • ¡Conoce a otros padres! CMC es realmente una comunidad y eso se extiende a las familias también. He hecho algunos amigos y recuerdos maravillosos al relacionarme con otros padres.
  • Intenta conocer a Sharon o a DT. Estarán por ahí. Adoro a estas maravillosas mujeres y conocerlas en persona me tranquiliza.

¡Felicidades por la admisión de tu estudiante a CMC! Esta es una comunidad extraordinaria que realmente se preocupa por todos y cada uno de los miembros. Hay muchos recursos de apoyo y ninguna pregunta es "tonta" o frívola, así que no dudes en preguntar. Mi estudiante ha dicho con frecuencia que el año pasado fue el mejor año de su vida, hasta ahora, así que sé que está 100% en el lugar correcto.

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What's Going on Over There?
By Lisa Therron P'24

Parent Newsletter  

As you arrive on campus in August with your anxious new student, a car full of Target bags, and a mind full of questions about move-in day, you may notice construction zones on the east side of campus at the corner of Ninth Street and Claremont Boulevard. CMC is building something new. More than a new building, more than a new science center… CMC is building an evolution in science education.

Construction will break ground on the new Robert Day Sciences Center soon. Together, the Kravis Department of Integrated Sciences and the Robert Day Sciences Center represent an educational evolution that will prepare our students to learn science by doing science.

CMC is transforming the way science is taught and they are doing it the “CMC way,” creating an innovative educational curriculum based on the integrated sciences. Future leaders in business, government, technology, and policy will need fluency in the sciences to tackle the biggest socio-scientific challenges facing the planet. To build responsible leaders for our future, CMC’s Kravis Department of Integrated Sciences program will be organized around three foci: Health (genomics, systems biology, and health), Brain (brain, learning, and decision science), and Planet (climate, energy, and the environment). These three priorities interrelate and create opportunities for students in all majors and disciplines to think and problem-solve through intersections of computational science, social science, economics, and the humanities. “We have an opportunity: rather than trying to build bridges between existing disciplinary boundaries, we can just build a program that doesn’t have those boundaries to begin with,” says Ran, Libeskind-Hadas, CMC Founding Chair for the Kravis Department of Integrated Sciences.

To house this new educational evolution, CMC is building an iconic space with the new Robert Day Sciences Center, and it will be the third iconic structure on campus, along with Roberts Pavilion and the Kravis Center. Designed by the world-renowned architecture firm BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group, the Robert Day Sciences Center will embody the ideals of transparency, understanding, and collaboration that fuel this transformational approach to the sciences. The 140,000-square-foot center is built with a definitive horizontal, non-siloed design that includes a full-height atrium, glass walls, and open spaces. Intended to connect students to the outside world, the open design creates intentional high-traffic areas that preserve the thousands of “social collisions'' that naturally occur on campus today. The design also has spaces where gathering, teaching, and workshops can occur. All the furniture will be on wheels, allowing for spaces to be flexible and innovative. There are nooks for quiet study and open terraces to soak up the California sun. With construction already underway, the new Robert Day Sciences Center should be open to students in 2024.

So, as you drive by or walk through the east side of campus, just know there is a lot going on over there. It's more than a construction project … It's an evolution in science education.


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My Daughter Was a CMC Romero Success Coach.
Here’s Why the Program Works
By Steve Kapner P'22

Parent Newsletter  

My daughter Lucie doesn’t like following rules she doesn’t agree with.

When she first considered becoming one of the Dean of Students’ Romero Success Coaches, she was hesitant. She was passionate about the program’s mission—to help students in academics, well-being, and life skills—but she thought she would have to follow rigid scripts in the counseling sessions. But that’s not how it works. As a result, the program is much more valuable than people might initially think.

Sessions with an RSC feel like a conversation with a friend—but the sessions are not just based on chatting - The DOS Academic Success team gathers extensive anonymous data from students, from incoming students to those in leadership roles. The questionnaire covers topics such as response inhibition, relationship building, task initiation, and well-being. The Romero Success Coach team uses this data, updated every year, to focus on the specific factors that would allow students to move towards one of the program’s key goals: helping students become self-authored young adults.

Self-authorship, at a high level, is a student’s ability to move from depending on external ideas and validation to being able to chart their own paths, form their own friendships, and define success on their own terms.

Your student might come in with a specific academic concern, but academics are never the full picture. The conversation might casually expand to extracurriculars, office hours, or even FYG (First Year Guide) group dinners. Through that, RSCs can help students better understand how rethinking their purpose and sense of self can help them move toward figuring out who they are at CMC versus who they feel they should be.

The RSC program takes into account the broader socio-ecological context -  The program has built a broad holistic model for student well-being and goes beyond the academic sphere to focus on other, often minimized, aspects of a student’s experience. Self-censoring often initially comes up related to the classroom, but it can extend into every aspect of a student’s CMC experience. Preliminary data from their work indicates that students who are less willing to share their perspectives score lower on measures of well-being. For RSCs, building students’ capacities to listen to the perspectives of others and share their own perspectives becomes an important strategy in building CMC students’ well-being. The well-being model used by the RSCs is not just about the individual—it recognizes the influences of relationships, community, and society. As a result, RSCs are trained how to help these students develop skills for those broader situations, and just as importantly, build the motivation to use those skills.

The RSCs learn how to be vulnerable and share their own mistakes - Being vulnerable builds trust and dialogue, and that allows the student and RSC together to uncover deeper issues to explore. The vulnerability starts with how the Romero Success Coach team runs internally. The program leaders in the Dean of Students office use a co-learning model. For RSCs like Lucie, who were initially unsure how they could add value in sessions, this can be a frustrating start. In RSC training, deans will never directly tell a RSC how to problem-solve common problems or even what those common problems are. Instead, they look to the team to help shape the changes that they want to see in student well-being and success. This same trust and vulnerability translate to the way in which RSCs conduct sessions and learn from the students they work with. Advice from an RSC rarely starts with, “Here’s what I did that worked,” rather, “Here’s where I felt lost….”

That said, the RSCs do provide targeted and actionable advice! The team is constantly sharing best practices.
For example:

  • Cody Babcock ’24, and his “Count to three method” to deal with procrastination: “If I notice I’m slipping into procrastination, I stop what I am doing, take a deep breath, survey my surroundings, and then count to three. When I reach three, I very intentionally close my computer, throw my phone on my bed, and begin a task—be it starting my readings or writing a paper. It’s shockingly easy and effective.”
  • Lucie Kapner ’22, on scheduling downtime: “One of my favorite resources at CMC was my Google calendar. If there was an opening I’d think, great, I can add in one more club meeting or another dinner with a friend. I saw any blank as an opportunistic space to fill. I ended up scheduling too much, even things that were fun, and it became overwhelming. So, I started scheduling ‘Nothing Time’ to my calendar. Having it in writing forced me to take breathing room throughout the day, and looking at a ‘full’ calendar made me still feel productive!”
  • Josh Angle ’23, on picking a planner: “You can use any planner system that works for you, but the key is to pick one system and stick with it! Whether it’s a notebook, GCal, or something else, make sure to write all your deadlines and activities down in one central organizational tool.”
  • Quincey Williams ’23, and his “Five and Five Rule”: Watch him describe the rule here



  • Watch an intro to the Romero Success Coach program, here (2-minutes)
  • Watch the CMC family webinar on “Student Well-Being and Success,” here (1-hour but of course comprehensive!)

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Student Privacy for Healthcare and Grades: A Parent Guide

By Tracey Breazeale P'23 P'24

Parent Newsletter  

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was designed to protect student’s rights by maintaining the privacy of educational records, and providing guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading information. The College realizes, however, that some students may want to share their academic progress with their parents and welcome parental support when it comes to healthcare.

Parents and students over the age of 18 may want to have a conversation regarding the release of educational and medical records, and arrive at a mutually satisfactory agreement. More information regarding the specific forms is below.

Healthcare: Student Health Services (SHS) and Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS) follow all required HIPAA and privacy guidelines, unless students pose a danger to themselves or to others. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), protects the privacy of medical records. As soon as a child turns 18, parents no longer have access to their medical information even if they are still covered by the parents’ health insurance. Students may elect to sign a Medical Release of Information Form, allowing health-care provides to share information with the authorized person.

If your student is a CMS athlete, be aware that athletes will be asked to complete the annual NCAA Student-Athlete HIPAA Authorization Form with the rest of their NCAA Eligibility paperwork. This allows athletic trainers, physicians, and other medical providers to freely communicate about an athlete’s healthcare-related information. It also allows coaches to be kept informed on the status and severity of injuries. In order for parents to be informed about sports-related health information, athletes would have to also sign the aforementioned SHS Medical Release of Information Form.

Grades and Educational Records: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), is a federal law that administered by the Department of Education. FERPA applies to all institutions that receive funding from the department. Once a student reaches the age of 18 and enrolls in college, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the individual student. As a result, CMC cannot release education records—including grades—to parents unless the student has given prior express written consent. Students may access, fill out, and sign a FERPA Release Form and bring it to the Registrar’s Office in order for their parents to have access to their grades. (In accord with FERPA laws, CMC’s full written policy with regard to educational privacy and student privacy rights can be found on the website.)

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Privacidad de los estudiantes para la atención médica y las calificaciones: La perspectiva de los padres

Por Tracey Breazeale P'23 P'24 | Traducido por Carmen Amaya P'25

Parent Newsletter  

La Ley de Derechos Educativos y Privacidad de la Familia (FERPA) fue diseñada para proteger los derechos de los estudiantes manteniendo la privacidad de los registros educativos, y proporcionando lineamientos para la corrección de información inexacta o errónea. Sin embargo, la universidad es consciente de que algunos estudiantes pueden querer compartir su progreso académico con sus padres y agradecen el apoyo de los padres cuando se trata de la atención médica.

Los padres y los estudiantes mayores de 18 años pueden tener una conversación sobre la divulgación de los registros educativos y médicos, y llegar a un acuerdo mutuamente satisfactorio. A continuación, encontrará más información sobre los formularios específicos.

Atención médica: Los Servicios de Salud de los Estudiantes (SHS) y los Servicios Psicológicos y de Asesoramiento de Monsour (MCAPS) siguen todas las directrices requeridas por la HIPAA y de privacidad, a menos que los estudiantes representen un peligro para ellos mismos o para otros. La Ley de Portabilidad y Responsabilidad del Seguro Médico (HIPPA), protege la privacidad de los registros médicos. Tan pronto como un adolescente cumple 18 años, los padres ya no tienen acceso a su información médica, incluso si todavía están cubiertos por el seguro médico de los padres. Los estudiantes pueden optar por firmar un formulario de divulgación de información médica, lo que permite que los proveedores de atención médica compartan la información con la persona autorizada.

Si su estudiante es un atleta de CMC, tenga en cuenta que se les pedirá a los atletas que completen el formulario anual de autorización HIPAA para estudiantes-atletas de la NCAA con el resto de su documentación de elegibilidad de la NCAA. Esto permite que los entrenadores de atletismo, los médicos y otros proveedores de servicios médicos se comuniquen libremente sobre la información relacionada con la atención médica de un atleta. También permite que los entrenadores se mantengan informados sobre el estado y la gravedad de las lesiones. Para que los padres sean informados sobre la información de salud relacionada con el deporte, los atletas también tendrían que firmar el mencionado Formulario de Divulgación de Información Médica de SHS.

Calificaciones y registros educativos: La Ley de Derechos Educativos y Privacidad de la Familia (FERPA), es una ley federal que administra el Departamento de Educación. La FERPA se aplica a todas las instituciones que reciben fondos del departamento. Una vez que un estudiante alcanza la edad de 18 años y se inscribe en la universidad, los derechos de FERPA se transfieren de los padres al estudiante individual. En consecuencia, CMC no puede divulgar los registros educativos -incluidas las calificaciones- a los padres, a menos que el estudiante haya dado previamente su consentimiento por escrito. Los estudiantes pueden acceder, completar y firmar un formulario de autorización FERPA y llevarlo a la Oficina de Registro para que sus padres tengan acceso a sus calificaciones. (De acuerdo con las leyes FERPA, el documento completo de CMC con respecto a la privacidad educativa y los derechos de privacidad de los estudiantes se puede encontrar en el sitio web).

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A Message from the Parent Network Board President

Welcome to a new academic year!

Parent Newsletter  

As a parent or guardian of a CMC student, you are automatically part of the Parent Network, which is served by the Parent Network Board (PNB). This governing body of parent volunteers that aim to engage parents in the CMC experience. Parent Network Board President Allision Aldrich P’24 is thrilled to welcome our incoming families to the CMC community! Here she highlights four items that parents should take note of: Family Weekend 2023, Summer Experiences and Internships, how the PNB helps parents stay informed, and the support of the parent-to-parent community. To learn more about volunteering and the Parent Network Board, please click here.  

Hear from Allison Aldrich P'24 here

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Parent Network Board Meetings

The Parent Network Board meets quarterly to discuss ways to enhance the College experience and to hear from College leadership. Read the April 2022 Board meeting minutes here

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Past Parent Newsletters:

Fall 2023
Summer 2023

Spring 2023

Winter 2023